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  7. Suzhou bakers grab gold at French...

Suzhou bakers grab gold at French Bread Festival

Envision stumbling upon a loaf of bread that mirrors the famous Eiffel Tower’s shape. At a current Shanghai-based celebration of bread, La Fête du Pain, Zhou Container, a gifted baker from Suzhou, and his group took leading honors in the creative European bread area with their show-stopping, tower-inspired work of art.

The annual bread festival, kept in both China and France, revolved around the 60th anniversary of the diplomatic relationships between both countries this year.

“This is an ‘Eiffel Tower’ built with baguettes and this is European bread with three flavors …” Zhou Container talks confidently when discussing his entrances in the competitors.

Zhou picked to incorporate French elements right into the bread right from the start of the planning procedure to straighten with this year’s style. “The renowned French bread is the baguette, so we made it the key active ingredient.”

Along with French elements, Zhou’s group likewise infused Chinese tastes. For instance, they combined active ingredients such as lychee and apples taken in merlot to make a special type of European bread.

Zhou views Suzhou as a city bountiful in social background. He thinks that blending baking items with culture is essential for them to thrive. Zhou revealed a wish for the appearance of even more baking brands in the future that symbolize the essence of Suzhou.

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