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Matchmaking event for Swiss projects held in Wuzhong

The 2024 Suzhou Wuzhong-Switzerland Innovation Project Matchmaking Conference was held in Wuzhong District yesterday. A total of 24 innovation projects from Switzerland were introduced.

Switzerland is known as the “closest place to heaven” and Wuzhong has the reputation of being the “the most beautiful place in the heavenly Suzhou.” Switzerland’s green development concept and advanced technology align well with the high-quality development needs of Wuzhong.

The presentations of the 24 projects from Switzerland introduced clinical anti-infection devices, artificial blood vessels, injectable hydrogel matrix for enhancing bone strength, catalysis of plasma for reducing methane emissions, oil-free gas compressors, and a technique for tracking and reusing old batteries, among others. Representatives from relevant enterprises and investment institutions in the district held dialogues with the project representatives, promoting the implementation of high-quality projects in Wuzhong.

The attendees also visited Wuzhong Exhibition Center and the Museum of Wu to have a better understanding of the origin and development of Wu culture. They expressed that Wuzhong has a profound history and culture, along with beautiful scenery, leaving them a deep impression; at the same time, the district’s focus on innovation is driving industrial development. They hope to share development opportunities with Wuzhong and seek extensive cooperation.

Source: Yinlibo (引力播)

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